Kick pedal muffler interlinking idea

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Kick pedal muffler interlinking idea

Post by hayden »

Hi all,

I was wondering if anybody has entertained the notion of a muffler attached to the kick pedal beater arm, hence muffling the bottom head shortly before the beater strike, but leaving it un-muffled for a nice resonance when playing the top head alone. The pedal could also be used as a dynamic tone-control, adding more sound colour possibilities for the floor tom. I imagine some amount of additional muffling would still be desirable.

My main concern with this idea is probably how detrimental the muffler would be to actual kick-pedal response and playability. A light muffler with large surface area might be a good way to minimise any loss of response.

I am hoping to make some kind of prototype in the near future, and will post updates after I do.

Any thoughts?


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